
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Profiling my kids

How is it to be with kids five days a week? The first word that comes in my mind is "exhausting". It is draining to keep up with them. Their energy level is way too much for me even if I’d take 20 bottles of energy drink a day. It’s exhausting to try and make them listen even just for a minute. Everyday is like going to a battle zone where you wrestle with kids to behave, teach them about the world around them, and mold them into someday becoming good citizens of the society. Sounds like a tough job, huh? Well, it is. Tough and draining and exhausting, but I also must not forget, rewarding.

What exactly are my rewards? Moments with them. Fun and funny moments, I must say. I would have had a bestseller if I wrote down all the hilarious moments I had with them. I have to hand it down to my kids for giving me the constant supply of good laughs. My sense of humor would probably be near extinction if it wouldn't have been for them and a few people around me.

Meet J:

He’s the school’s resident Cassanova wanna-be. He kisses or tries to kiss all the girls all the time. When he’s around, (he comes to our school only twice a week, three times a week to a Czech school.) it’s no surprise when girls run to me with a scandalized look on their faces screaming "J kissed me!"

One time I read Sleeping Beauty to them. When I came to the part when the Prince kissed Sleeping Beauty, J exclaimed “ Oh, it’s Prince J!"

Another time when we were on our way to the zoo, I caught him combing Sasha’s hair with his fingers.

God help the girls a few years from now.


Katka is the girls' girl. She’s the leader of the pack. The girls worship the ground she walks. Problem is, she’s very much aware of her power and uses it to her full advantage, thus putting almost everyone in trouble everyday.She’s very clever, this kid.

One time while I was reading them a story, there was suddenly a chorus of "Katka said something very bad!!"

Me: What did you say, Katka?

Katka: Nothing. I didn’t say anything bad at all.

Kids: She said a bad word in Czech. She said "zadek."

Katka: But zadek is not a bad word. It means this. (touching her bum.)With my limited Czech, I knew zadek is not a bad word but I think she said it in a way that implied the bad word "prdel." (If you're Czech and you're reading this, pardon me for broadcasting the word to the whole world.) Translation: A**hole. The first words that I actually learned in Czech are the ones that can’t probably be found in the dictionary because they are so gross, thanks to A. :) I don’t know why it’s always like this when you are learning a different language. In my case, it actually helps because I can sentence the kids to the electric chair ( it’s actually a plastic chair where they sit for a few minutes without talking to anybody) after they did or said something bad.) But just for the sake of those who cared enough to watch Katka’s colorful vocabulary, I told them I had to ask our head teacher later, who happens to be Czech, if it was indeed a bad word.

Storytelling was over, the other kids ran to wash their hands so they can eat their snacks. Katka remained with me claiming her innocence.Katka: I really didn’t say anything bad.Me: Then you didn’t so you have nothing to worry about.Katka: I said zadek. (holding her little buns) I didn’t say this. (pointing to the hole)How can I argue?


This is all for now. I have been swamped with so many things to prepare for the spring camp. Yes, I'll go on a camp with 22 kids for a week starting this Saturday. I hope I'll remain sane after being with the same kids 24/7. Wish me luck.

PS: Today is A's 32nd birthday. We had a lovely dinner at a restaurant near Palac Flora. It was raining when we came outside after our dinner. I was wearing one of my "Vietnamese" flip-flops and my feet kept slipping out of them. Usually I would curse the rain for getting my feet wet and making the simple act of walking so difficult, but today was different. I had this song in my head:

Oh, I hear laughter in the rain/Walking hand in hand with the one I love.....