
Friday, December 14, 2007

Making my own Christmas ornaments

Those Christmas ornaments, they are so expensive! Sure you can store and use them for more Christmases to come but still.... So I fixed this problem by making my own ornaments. Below are some products of my "creativity." Anyone is welcome to copy. :)

The wreath. I just wanted something simple and cheerful hanging on our front door. The simpler it is, the more expensive it gets. The cheapest I found was for over 200kč and they did look cheap. So I bought the materials and made one myself. The damage? One hundred and nine crowns. Only.

The wand. Just look at them, any 5-year old can do them. I bought the red one from Obi for 27kč. Later I made some with my kids at school. The gold one is my example. I took it home to give the red one a partner. Really it doesn't look inferior at all next to the professionally made one considering I didn't spend a single crown for it.

Our fridge is no longer lonely as its whiteness is no longer unadorned. I made the star. M, my co-teacher, one day thought of making stockings with the kids. She made one as an example and later decided it was too nice or too complicated for them. She ended up making one for me and one for A, another co-teacher.

The "ball." This idea just popped out of nowhere. Last week we had to decorate our Christmas tree at school. I made my kids choose pre-cut shapes from a cardboard paper. They had to cover them with aluminum foil then glue green and red small pieces of colored paper to look like a poinsettia. One tiny piece of yellow paper completed the look.

Making ornaments is fun. I enjoyed it so much I may quit teaching next Christmas and start a career in it. :)

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