
Friday, November 17, 2006


I've been sleep deprived since Tuesday. Been groggy and cranky and grumpy and sometimes depressed since. Funny how one little feline can be such a culprit of these mood swings. Yes, it's all because of a cat.

We found one, or rather, he found us Monday morning while I was about to go to work. He was perched on our skylight meowing like it was the end of his world. I always have impulsive tendencies when it comes to cats so thinking only that he must be freezing outside, I opened the skylight and let him in. It was only later when I realized we have sort of adopted him and the dilemma of what to do with him slowly sank in.

What would you do if you've always loved cats and wanted one but you know you can't keep one? Our flat is so small it's not possible for humans and animals to co-exist in peace. I would love to keep him but being cramped out in a small space is not a healthy environment for him. It's also not doing us any good since he is nocturnal so he always crashes on mine and A's slumber party, sometimes biting our toes or jumping on our bodies in the middle of the night.

We posted a notice around the building right away on Monday for whoever it is who might be looking for him to call us. Nobody did yet. So now I'm guilt-ridden for letting him in and thus depriving A of his much needed sleep, at the same time knowing that I would be hounded by guilt as well if I left the poor cat alone for fate to decide what to do with him.

Now it's up to us to decide. I don't know if there was a law about adopting animals in this country but one thing is sure; we can't keep him. This leaves us with two choices at this time: if S's ( our headteacher) Mom would like to adopt him we will give him to her early next week. If she wouldn't, our second and last resort is to hand him to a center which takes care of stray/ unwanted animals. Either way I will be a basket case for weeks missing him and thinking how he will like his new home.

This is CNN (Cat with No Name). I don't know what breed he is but he surely is beautiful. He pees and poops only in his litter bin but at night he goes in his business of being a cat.
