
Friday, February 09, 2007

Undomestic Goddess' quick fix

I know, I know, I'm not particularly keen on this picture though this is the best it could get. The presentation is not at all to die for but I didn't think of posting this or even taking a picture when I was making the sandwiches. If I knew I would, I would have tried my best for them to look passable. But waitaminute, why do I sound so defensive?!

No, I'm not turning this page into a food blog. God knows I have no "k" (karapatan, as in "right"). I just want to share this to those who are endlessly struggling to come up with an edible meal like me especially when I come home tired from work. I call this, well, for the lack of words, my quick fix.

A sandwich is never considered a meal in P.I. It's a snack, mind you. Only here in Prague when I learned to appreciate its ability to silence my stomach. What's more is that it's so easy to prepare. Just bread, butter, hardboiled eggs, ham, bell pepper, pickles and voila--- a no sweat dinner for me and A!
