
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Soap, anyone?

We have a new teacher at school. She's Brazilian-American. Yesterday she cracked me up with her tales of (mis)adventures here in CZ. Here's what she told us:

1. Her boyfriend's parents don't take a bath everyday. I mean, this is not a crime but for OC people like us, getting cozy with your dead skin is a no-no. What's more, she said, his mom thinks when you take a bath you shouldn't use soap all the time. She believes some dead cells have some minerals or whatever she calls them that are beneficial to your body.

I wonder what benefit you can get from not taking a bath often and from condemning an innocent soap for doing its job except, of course, some serious case of B.O.?

2. She attended a Hunters' Ball in a town where the candidate parents-in-law live. In verbatim: " They had prizes like dead hare, dead deer and the biggest prize was a dead wild pig! They put the dead animals on the tables! There wasn't any food on those tables but.....they really aren't so much into hygiene here."

I said well, different strokes for different folks... Just that I don't buy that c_*p about not using soap when you shower. Do you?

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