
Saturday, February 02, 2008

The largest malls in the world

One of the very first few things I noticed when I moved to Prague was the size of its malls. I was expecting "megamalls" like in PI but was either relieved or disappointed to realize malls here are like smaller department stores back home. I don't like big malls and malling but when I shop, which is once in a technicolor moon, I'd like to find everything in one place.

So this question struck me as really funny. You know, when you are from the third world and you move to the so called first world, it's expected to be at the receiving end of stupid questions. I've been asked if PI is where cannibals still live, or if we catch mice and make adobo out of them for dinner. I don't get offended though, I just marvel at how ignorant we people tend to be at times.

Anywho, the funny question I'm talking about is, Do we have restaurants in the Philippines? I don't exactly remember what my answer was but I think it was something to this effect; Last time I checked we had millions of them. Maybe it was too much for the ignoramus to believe but I couldn't care less. A fact is a fact, something that can't be changed-- same as ignorance by choice.

What does this have to do with the title of this post? I just found out today that among the 10 largest malls in the world, Philippines has three of them. I bet there are restaurants at least in one of them, wouldn't you think so? :)
