
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More rants

I haven't forsaken thee, my blog...

I have been just busy with the day to day life, and lazy as well. I just couldn't bring myself to write. Mentally constipated is how I was, and I believe, still is.

I also believe I'm suffering from the downside of getting off the pill. I decided to give my body a break from it after almost three years, and what do I get? Dizziness, depression, and bouts of lethargy are just some pains my ungrateful body is giving me in return to my taking care of it. And oh, this bloating that just appeared overnight which gives me a distended belly I so abhor, is also a part of the most unwanted list, thanks to my ever going ballistic hormones.

Unsolicited as this is, if ever you're thinking of being on the pill, really really think again. You might not feel any side effects when you start on it, but you might feel a lot when you stop using it. Like me.

A said I might as well go back to it. Very tempting but no, thank you. No wonder some people get hooked on drugs, and I don't just mean the ones being sold in the streets. Prescribed drugs are just as addictive. Who wants discomfort? Not you and I certainly wont buy it. But I refused to bow to my body's immediate need which is to alleviate whatever discomfort it is feeling by taking the same drug that caused it in the first place.

The rough drive to wellness is just starting. Hopefully the road isn't long and winding...

Speaking of long and winding road, I just remembered a line from a Filipino movie eons ago. This is total digression but what the heck, I'm entitled to write in random thoughts once in a while.

In the movie, Rene Requistas (RIP) was pissed big time with someone and he said to him:

" You're very rude! Capital RIP, rude! The long and winding rude!"

There. If that was like "huh?" to you then I can only blame my hormones for my flat sense of humor.
